We have most of the bags packed. My hair is being set in my handy dandy curlers (Anyone that knows me, knows the secret to my success with my hair). The lists, the schedule have been made and the blog has been set up. The rides have been arranged (mostly... some of you may get a call for some help) and the groceries have been bought.
It is Sunday, May 18th at 12:30 pm and I some time ask myself: "How do we find ourselves going to London, England and South Africa in 2009..." Well, you can blame in on the Grand. The Grand Theater that is. A few years ago, I was the live auction, Chair for the annual Grand Theatre gala and I fell in love with this auction item. When we purchased the trip, we knew we were close to having enough Aeroplan points to go halfway around the world but we still needed a bit of time.
Once the mark was made, we started to make plans and decided this would be the 15th Wedding Anniversary celebration of a lifetime. We had hesitations about leaving my sister and my dad but were re-assured that everyone was So we gathered up the troops and asked my sister-in-law Susan and Paul's Parent's to help us out. So over the next few weeks, we hope to include you in our adventure of a lifetime and share out Great African Safari with you!
hi mom and dad